
Between 1920 and 1955, the university life in the Northwest depended upon Schools, Careers and Intitutions created and led by Universidades Nacionales del Litoral y de Tucumán.

Among all Schools that made up UNL, there were the School of Agriculture, Stockbreeding and Alike Industries with headquarters in the city of Corrientes. As a result the iniciative of a group of faculty members and taking into account the environmental needs, the National Institute of Teachers was created and authorized to start operating by the Universidad Nacional del Litoral on June 6th, 1951.

On April 30th, 1951, Resolution Nº 262 was passed at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, which authorized the School of Economics, Business and Political Sciences to open in Resistencia the first year of Public Accounting and Partition carreer. It was created in response to the Governor of Chaco’s request submitted to the National Secretary of Education, which was in line with the director of Escuela Nacional de Comercio de Resistencia.

Medicine School was created in Corrientes, on March 5th, 1953 under the Rectorate at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral Resolution Nº 79, ad referendum of University Council, which confirmed it through Resolution Nº 234 on March 24th that same year, as a dependency of the School of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Auxiliary Sciences at the forementioned University.

In 1937, per initiative of the Rector of Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, a research center was created in the institution. It specialized in studying the different aspects of reality in the northern region of the country, including health. This body, created on November, 6th, 1937, was denominated Department of Regional Research and it consisted of six related agencies, one of which was the Regional Institute of Medicine, created under resolution Nº 315/73 on December, 7th, 1937. In 1954, it was determined under Resolution  Nº 1221/226/954 that the Regional Institute of Medicine headquarters should be transferred to Resistencia.

On April 2nd, 1955, the School of Law was created as a dependency of the School of Legal and Social Sciences of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral and it started its operations in the city of Corrientes.

After the provincialization of national territories, the dream of creating a university center in the region emerged. The increasing number of secondary education enrollees and the creation of numerous high schools impelled the need for teachers and higher education to avoid the migration of this young population to other centers.

Close to mid-20th century, basically in response to an anonimous force from each of the main provincial comunities involved, the UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL NORDESTE emerged on December 14th, 1956 under decree-law Nº 22.299.

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