Universidad Nacional del Nordeste University Social Services Institute

The Universidad Nacional del Nordeste University has an efficient and genuine system that guarantees wide healthcare coverage for active and retired agents and their direct relatives.

The Universidad Nacional del Nordeste University is a community composed of teachers, students, graduates, and non-teachers, which in its role of fulfilling the social function, seeks the integral and harmonious training of all its agents. In this way, it carries out an organized and permanent work of promoting the cultural and technical training of its components and the society in which as a part of it, as an entity and tool of social improvement at the service of the Nation.

Through its Higher Council, the university has created the Institute of Social Services to provide its services to the teaching and non-teaching staff of the university community.

UNNE, through ISSUNNE, supports and provides coverage to the staff so that they can have access to various top-notch services, and thereby to enjoy an adequate quality of life.

The proposal is to organize a health network of healthcare services, financial aid, tourism, health prevention, and promotion programs, with the maximum possible benefits.


Our values

The aim of the institution is to make clear and well-known decisions and procedures to all, avoiding information asymmetries among the involved people: non-teaching agents who provide their services in this Institute, beneficiaries, and providers.

-Vocation of service
The Institute constantly strives to put the vocation of service into practice.

-Efficient management
Procedures are efficiently planned and controlled, and in doing so, technical advice of excellence is followed. In this way, resources are aligned to organizational objectives focusing on the beneficiaries and quality serviced.

-Fostering plural management
Dialogue is sought and encouraged in this organization. The entire U.N.N.E. community is aligned and involved in decision-making and implementation.

-Administrative order
The necessary measures are implemented, for each involved area to assumes the responsibility in order to achieve adequate coordination and order.

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