UNNE free from violence

Cabecera UNNE sin Violencias


Institutional Protocol When Facing Sexual Orientation and Gender Violence or Discrimination in the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste University

The Universidad Nacional del Nordeste University (UNNE) seeks to be a sexual orientation and gender discrimination free institution. Therefore, it has elaborated a protocol approved by the Superior Council through Res. No. 1098/18. Therein, it establishes an action plan and some tools to prevent, assist, and eradicate discrimination and gender or sexual orientation violence from this studying institution.

We understand violence as a pressing social problem against women and men in different situations and social environments. Within this context, women represent the most affected sector by violence and discrimination due to historical and cultural complex factors. These factors make up a stereotyped vision of the roles that women and men must take at different social environments, reproducing, thus, sharply unequal pattern. 

At the same time, we acknowledge that those people who have chosen a different gender identity from the biologically one or who have made a choice different from the heterosexual suffer from many kinds of violence and discrimination based on such choices. 

For this reason, we support the commitment of not tolerating violence and discrimination. We recognize the necessity of preventing and eradicating them when they show up and, therefore, preserving the basic rights of all people from this university community.

If you have suffered from any violent or discriminatory situation at UNNE or you need some advice, we have a specially trained area to help you. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..





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