The publishing project of the National University of the Northeast of Argentina -Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, (UNNE)-, EUDENE, promotes the circulation of knowledge and the dissemination of culture and art, transforming the contents into new contributions to the issues that are socially debated in the region, the country, and the world. Moreover, it incorporates new forms of editorial work and formats that connect authors and readers in an intercultural and multilingual context.
From the Red de Editoriales de las Universidades Nacionales (REUN) -Network of National University Publishers-, EUDENE collaborates with regional bibliodiversity and the growth of the brand Libro Universitario Argentino (LUA) -Argentine University Book-.
EUDENE is part of the Secretaría General de Ciencia y Técnica de la UNNE -General Secretariat of Science and Technology of the UNNE-, which is made up of a team from the provinces of Chaco and Corrientes. This team works to professionalize the edition of printed and digital contents. Besides, it has the mission of promoting the R&D and innovation activity that the UNNE has been developing in the Northeast of the country.
The objectives of EUDENE are
- The coordination of the University's publishing project, overseeing the edition process in the different types of publication (periodical publications, study material for subjects, scientific and technical material, content related to the arts and literature, etc.) as regards the intellectual production of professors and researchers (in many cases, university teachers also work as researchers) and regional authors.
- The contribution towards the dissemination of knowledge generated from the scientific, academic, and creative development of the university community, particularly those produced in the different academic units. Professors and researchers are encouraged to participate in the publications of the innovation process of science, technology, arts, and literature, contributing to a solid and constant interrelationship between the University and the community and promoting the consolidation and growth of the democratic system.
- The construction of a place for works of regional, national and international authors to access the publishing market and be recognized for their cultural, social, and literary value.
- The publication process includes the editing and printing of the original material provided by the author.
- The promotion of pertinent procedures regarding the legal relationship between the interested parties and the protection of the intellectual rights of the published works.
- The advice to periodical publications in connection with their editing and printing processes.
- The presentation, dissemination, distribution, marketing, and sale of publications.
- The consolidation of the EUDENE hallmark at the university field, the REUN, and the regional and national scales.
Science and technology
It aims to disseminate the scientific and technological production of the University in all fields of knowledge, with an edition intended to build a broad reading public. It is also open to the production of researchers of the regional and national scientific system.
Academic materials
It is conceived for the edition and publication of academic materials that professors prepare for their classes in all disciplines, producing good quality books at a low cost. Besides, it includes materials for an integration of the Secondary Level with Higher Education, for the Ciclo de complementación (curricular complementation studies), and postgraduate studies.
It has the purpose of spreading, on the one hand, the ancient and rich tradition of the cultures of the provinces of Chaco and Corrientes, multicultural and multilingual by excellence. In addition, they are characterized by their impressive cultural, historical, architectural, and archaeological patrimony. On the other hand, the two provinces had a strong avant-garde impulse since the ‘70s in both plastic and literary arts. In general, they have circulated in non-academic spaces but have recently begun to appear in the university environment. Therefore, this collection also wants to highlight the strength of the poetics and arts of the region.
Special publications
This section is dedicated to the publication or reprinting of significant works for the regional scientific, technological and artistic heritage, which are not part of any other planned collections.